For our retail clients who prefer to execute their own orders, you can now use the services of any of our retail brokerage partners by opening an independent trading account with them. The compliance and trading circumstances may differ from ours. We will continue to provide you with education, training, and any other necessary assistance you may require to trade independently as an independent trader.
Since 2008, we've put our clients first.
We've been empowering clients for over 13 years by assisting them in taking charge of their financial lives.
We are closer to you, bigger, and stronger than you can imagine; we are not alone; we are connected to many high-regulated Prime Brokers and Liquidity Providers across Europe, both those you know and others you don't, with over $2 trillion in trading activity.
Our platform is also designed to connect with over 20 aggregated liquidity providers (banks, non-banks, exchange houses, and ECN networks) spanning Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, enabling for the endless combination of several deep liquidities.